Monday, January 7, 2013

How the Boston Police participated in my Job Interview

Well, it's that time again where I am going through the job interview motions. Currently, I'm in the initial phone call phase of the interview process. I have a few lined up--today I happened to have one at 1PM.

Sure enough at 1:05PM my phone rings, my interview starts and things are going very well. I am just in the middle of talking about a successful Twitter campaign I ran when my apartment doorbell rings.

My room happens to look right out onto the street and thus also has a great view of our front door stoop. I peek out the curtain, not stealthily because stealth is not a word that my body or brain recognizes as a potential attribute, and standing on the stoop is a man in plain clothes who I do not recognize. What do I do? Ignore it. Looks like he is selling something or like he wants to tell me how my cable bill can be reduced if I switch providers.

Of course, this interruption does not help my concentration but I get back in the groove of talking about how awesome I am and the bell rings again...then again...then again again again! I am cursing myself at this point for not learning how to spy properly as a child and adolescent. I ask the woman on the phone if she will please hold one moment and in my PJs (yay funployment) I open the front door.

New Girl

There are now not only one but two men standing there in plain clothes with something bright and shiny hanging around their necks. Because I am a girl who loves shiny glittery things my eyes immediately focus on this talisman and I realize it is the fucking Boston normal clothes! That means detectives right? They look me up and down and I start to IMMEDIATELY apologize for not opening the door sooner and explain that I am on an interview call and that I suck.

The two detectives (I mean if Law and Order taught me anything it is that detectives DO NOT wear uniforms but that officers ALWAYS do) looked me up and down and said "We just have to get upstairs."

Law and Order: SVU (not saying it was a case for SVU just LOOK no uniforms!)

There are two apartments above ours. One has a few girls in it, one of which is German Christian and for some reason I had a feeling that was not the destination apartment for these detectives. I tend to think it is the apartment directly above mine with at LEAST three families living in. It also happens to be the one that police and an ambulance visited the first week my roommates and I moved in.

Thank God I am fantastic at recovering from weird shit like that because I was able to pick my interview right up and finish with finesse. I was told I will definitely be hearing from her on Wednesday. GO ME!

But now...I want to know why the police were upstairs.

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